
Our Oils
... from our organic plantations

Our oils are produced by macerating the flowery tops of medicinal plants in olive oil. The flowers are hand picked, according to solar and lunar phases, and are immersed in olive oil inside glass jars, which are exposed to the sun for a lunar phase of 28 days.

This produces our macerated oil - an oil containing all the properties of its medicinal plant.
Contents: 100 ml.

Helichrysum oil

(Helichrysum italicum)
The name helichrysum derives from the Greek, Helios, Sun, and Chrysos, Gold, in homage to the shape and golden yellow colour of its flowers. This plant has ‘cortisone-like’, anti-inflammatory, decongestant properties.

It is traditionally considered a valid aid for dermatitis, psoriasis, haemorrhoids, ear infections and allergic rhinitis.

Lavender oil

(Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavender oil, with its delicate scent, is well-known for its calming, soothing, softening properties, which make it an excellent massage oil and for its antiseptic properties which make it a valid aid for insect bites.
In the past a few drops were added directly to bath water to perfume and soften the skin.

Yarrow oil

(Achillea millefolium)
The name Achillea derives from the heroic character of Achilles, to whom the centaur Chiron taught the art of healing wounds with this plant, with its excellent cicatrising power.
It is traditionally considered a valid aid for wounds and stretch marks.

It is also well-known for its digestive properties, which make it an excellent seasoning.

St. John's Wort oil

(Hypericum perforatum)
For its natural restitutive properties it is traditionally used for all kinds of burns.

It is also well-known for its stress relieving properties, which make it an excellent massage oil.

Malva oil

(Malva sylvestris)
Malva oil, thanks to its high content of mucilage, with softening, moisturising properties, is an extremely soothing oil.

It is traditionally considered a valid aid for skin and scalp irritations.

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